What is Re-board®?
In what formats is Re-board available?
What are Re-board’s patents?
What does the patent provide?
Is it the same core in all Re-board product?
What is the weight of one square meter Re-board?
Can Re-board be used for canvas and corners without cracking?
Do I need glue or tape when mounting a Re-board construction?
Is Re-board dusty when producing?
Can Re-board mount and fasten with screws and tools?
What will destroy my Re-board structure?
Is Re-board fire resistant?
Is Re-board liner waterproof?
Is it possible to laminate just one side of Re-board?
Is Re-board UV resistant?
Do I need to drill a hole before using the Re-board screws?
Can I construct expo stands with Re-board?
What’s the difference between Re-board Premium and Re-board Basic?